Pubs to Have a Pint In: London is a full color book containing photos and in-depth historical text on thirty London pubs that the author felt had character, warmth, hospitality, and of course, a quality selection of ales and lagers.

With centuries of tradition and so many great pubs around the city, searching for that “ONE” pub can be a fun, but lengthy adventure.

Whether the reader is traveling to London, is a pub enthusiast, is a beer snob, or just looking for a different take on some of the more unique historical facts of London, if one cannot have a pint in these pubs, then reading this book would be the next best thing.

London: A magnificent metropolis with hundreds of years of history, culture, economics, and of course, PUBS. The pub has been a staple of British tradition dating back for several centuries. These watering holes for the thirsty range from being historic, to the quirky, with a few being landmarks (thrown in for good measure), while some can just be a great place to have a nice pint of ale and a good conversation after a hard day’s work.

“Few things are more pleasant than a village graced with a good church, a good priest, and a good PUB.”

– John Hillaby, British travel writer & explorer